Growshop Accessories
Growshop Accessories

pH 7,0 Kalibreringsvæske 300ml
Growth Technology pH 7 kalibreringsvæske. Brukes til å kalibrere pH-målere, noe som bør gjøres regelmessig for å sikre kontinuerlig nøyaktighet fra måleren.

Rensevæske pH / Ec meter 300ml
Dette er en løsning for rengjøring av pH-målere og Ec-målere og for å fjerne saltavleiringer fra næringsstoffer og andre ansamlinger.

ONA Spray Fresh Linen 250ml
Ona Spray er en effektiv måte å nøytralisere den vonde lukten som noen ganger oppstår.

HM Digital COM-80 EC / TDS måler
HM Digital Com-80 er en ny rimelig måler med funksjonelt design som er perfekt for å teste bruksområder som hydroponikk og for eksempel styrken til næringsløsningen.

HM Digital PH-80 pH-måler
PH-80 pH hydro Tester er en rimelig og pålitelig pH-måler som er perfekt for testing av bruksområder som hydroponics.

GHE pH-testsett
Med denne pH-testen kan du enkelt sjekke pH mellom 4,0-8,5.

ROOT! T First Feed 125 ml
Planteernæring for unge planter

ROOT! T ™ Gel4Plugs Rooting Gel 150ml
ROOT! T Gel4Plugs er en rotgel som er spesielt utviklet for bruk med plugger / startkuber.

Rooting Hormone Gel
Rooting Hormone Gel The ultimate rooting compound – used by professionals and amateurs the world over. CLONEX is a bright, translucent gel. It is a high performance formulation of hormones, vitamins and mineral nutrients. CLONEX is a high performance ro

loupe with led illuminator

Diamond loupe with led illuminator
Specifications 1.Inspect object at 30 times power. 2.Can be used to identify plants, and pltential garden pests.

60x-100x Led Microscope Jewellery Magnifying Loupe Glass Lens With Back Case
60x-100x Led Microscope Jewellery Magnifying Loupe Glass Lens With Back Case

Plastic Float Valve
This Mini Plastic float valve can be widely used in water tank, cistern, cooling tower, air cooler, gardening, animal husbandry and other water equipment.

Gardener Trellis Netting
Heavy-duty nylon netting is ideal for growing tomatoes, peas and all vine crops.

Spidermite Control
Spider mites are a real hassle for growers. Spidermite Control is a great product to resolve this problem. The mechanical action of the product suffocates the mites with an ultra-thin film of special oil.

With this package of CO2 Tabs you will possess a revolutionary new and very powerful product aimed at plants on any growth medium. These simple - and cheap! - Tablets are specially developed to replace the complicated and expensive CO2 fertilizing system

Precision Pruner
Precision Pruner ● Surgical stainless steel with titanium coating ● Ideal for cutting and trimming flowers ● High quality springs

Mylar adhesive film

Diamond silver white film
Diamond silver white film 1) Spreads light more evenly and eliminates grow room hot spots. 2) 100% light tight. 3) PET coated to protect against corrosion and wear. 4) Reflects 95% of the light.

Rope Ratchet Hanger For Carbon filter, Lighting Reflector
Rope Ratchet Hanger For Carbon filter, Lighting Reflector